Fiercely Independent.
Fiercely Independent.
Some of us never had to be told to go out and play.
Some of us had trees to climb.
Forts to build.
Toboggans to ride while the night grew dark, til we were hauled inside by our snowsuits.
Some of us didn't pay attention to what the others were doing. We had our own drummers, we marched our own march. If everyone else was, we probably weren't.
We were the wild and the wild was us.
It wasn't just outside. The wild was within.
And for some of us, the wild inside never left.
Up here at Panorama, it still is: Wild.
Not just wilderness; WILDness.
It seems this is the kind of place where the wild things are.
At least, this is where the wild things come to play.
And for some, this is where the wild things stay.
Our edges are rough, and worn well by decades of fiercely independent adventurers. Fueled with a focus on what matters most, ensuring we get to be a little wild in the mountains.
We've been doing things our way in the mountains for over half-a-century.
Fiercely. Independently. And we still are.
The world that pretends to be perfect doesn't fit in up here.
Panorama is where folks come to face their fierce.
To dance with gravity. Celebrate the wild with their fellows.
And there might be pints. Hot chocolate and hot tubs.
Hey, there's even Monsters.
Come connect with the wild inside.
Discover what more there is to the mountains.
And celebrate over 50 years of fierce independence with us.
Sunny with cloudy periods.
Freezing level at valley bottom.
Ridge wind light to 20 km/h.
3:50PM 6 February, 2025
Trails Open
Lifts Open
Groomed Runs