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Posted 5 years ago by Clarissa Amaro
Panorama, BC - September 29, 2019
Panorama Mountain Resort has started up their snowmaking system nearly a month ahead of schedule as the storm to hit south Eastern BC and Southern Alberta over the weekend brought with it cold temperatures and the first significant snowfall of the season.
“This is a big achievement,” said Panorama President and CEO, Steve Paccagnan, “it is the earliest we have ever made snow and while the weather plays a significant role in that, a big part of the equation is our on-going investment into the latest snowmaking technology and our incredibly dedicated Slopes team.”
The resort is taking full advantage of the early cold temperatures with snowmaking underway on two of their main runs. Panorama has over 220 snow guns positioned across the mountain which will be utilized as snowmaking reaches its peak in October and November.
“Over the past few years we’ve invested millions into our snowmaking infrastructure, and it will only continue to expand and improve,” said Mr Paccagnan. “For us it is about shoring up our winter product, providing a good early and late season base for our natural snowfall, and giving guests the best experience on the slopes.”
Panorama is a renowned early season destination for ski racing teams and the resort will welcome hundreds of Canadian and international athletes when it opens for pre-season training on November 8.
The resort will open to the public on December 6, and launch two brand new dining experiences in the heart of their ski-in/ski-out village, along with four new expert, double black diamond runs in Taynton Bowl, a vast 750 acre in-bounds backcountry style area off Panorama’s summit.
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Media Contact:
Clarissa Amaro
Panorama Mountain Resort
Panorama is a four-season destination resort that offers skiing, golf, lift-accessed mountain biking and an abundance of recreational activities and events. The resort was named “North American Resort of the Year” in the 2016 World Snow Awards. Located on British Columbia’s famed Powder Highway, Panorama offers winter enthusiasts 4,265 feet of vertical descent (Top 4 in Canada), wide-open fall-line cruisers, powder-filled tree lines and the steep and deep exhilaration of Taynton Bowl. The resort is home to RK Heliski and BC’s best public golf course at Greywolf.
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Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated showers.
Freezing level: 3000 metres.
Ridge wind west: 15 km/h gusting to 45 km/h.
8:00AM 8 October, 2024
Biking Trails Open
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