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Posted 6 years ago by Jamie Hurschler
The cat is out of the bag and it’s ready to rumble.
Meet Monster X. A new snowcat that’s more tiger than kitty, and roomy enough to take a dozen monster-whisperers into Panorama Mountain Resort’s biggest terrain.
Because when the monsters are calling, it’s best to pick up.
That’s why the Monster X is purring to pick-up anyone who dreams of bigger, badder and better; the fearless and fearful types who tingle at the thought of brutish and long terrain. What was once only accessible by slogging forth on foot, can now be reached in the belly of a monster. Monster X, that is.
“The Monster X snowcat is just one of many ways Panorama is pushing boundaries to create incredible mountain experiences for everyone,” says Steve Paccagnan, President & CEO. “Last year we opened an additional 128 acres of terrain, this year we’re excited to offer the Monster X snowcat, making this terrain even more accessible.”
The Monster X terrain boasts four double-black diamond lines guaranteed to make folks face their fierce. The terrain addition means Panorama now has 1,300 metres of vertical, among the top 10 in North America. It’s no wonder Panorama was a finalist in the 2018 World Ski Awards for being Canada’s Best Ski Resort.
If the thought of being comfortably carried to meet the steep, deep and wide-open wildness sounds terribly perfect - well, it is. Monster X season passes are on sale right meow for $299. For details visit
Think this sounds downright scary? Feel like sleeping with the lights on? Rest-assured there’s more to the mountains at Panorama. There’s plenty of perfectly-groomed and friendly runs to cruise down. And there’s monstrously great resort experiences for those in search of a monster-free mountain vacation.
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Official site of Panorama Mountain
Resort in the BC Kootenay Rockies
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Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated showers.
Freezing level: 3000 metres.
Ridge wind west: 15 km/h gusting to 45 km/h.
8:00AM 8 October, 2024
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