March 7 - March 10, 2025
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Yamnuska's Female Ski Camp
Learn and refine alpine touring skills, gain avalanche safety and terrain recognition skills, and acquire the know-how to make informed decisions in the backcountry! And best of all, have fun with a group of incredible and like-minded women!
Specialty Camps & Courses Multi Day
March 7 - March 10, 2025
Getting into backcountry skiing may feel a bit daunting, but a fun and well-organized long weekend with the professionals at Yamnuska and Panorama can provide you with the basic knowledge and understanding of winter backcountry travel and safety skills. Our goal is to get more women heading beyond the ski resort boundaries, feeling confident in their decision-making and their ability to explore areas that once felt out of reach.
So, pack your bags and buckle your boots for this women’s only backcountry program based at Panorama Mountain Resort. Located in the Purcell Mountains just outside the quaint town of Invermere, BC, this backcountry clinic is a women’s-only camp featuring fantastic female guides and coaches. Learn and refine alpine touring skills, gain avalanche safety and terrain recognition skills, and acquire the know-how to make informed decisions in the backcountry! And best of all, have fun with a group of incredible and like-minded women.
This program is geared towards those who have advanced to expert hill skiing skills and want to start enjoying the backcountry powder. Instruction will cover gear selection, avalanche awareness, backcountry safety, route finding, and track-setting as well as off-piste skiing skills.
For a full itinerary and to book please visit
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© 2024 Panorama Mountain Resort, BC.
Official site of Panorama Mountain
Resort in the BC Kootenay Rockies
Designed and developed by TimeZoneOne
Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated showers.
Freezing level: 3000 metres.
Ridge wind west: 15 km/h gusting to 45 km/h.
8:00AM 8 October, 2024
Biking Trails Open
Hiking Trails Open
Lifts Open