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Panorama Mountain Resort formed the Panorama Foundation in 1998. Senior staff members decided to incorporate the Foundation and begin fundraising so that worthy organizations from the Columbia and Windermere Valley could look to Panorama as a leader in community development and successfully apply for grants to further develop their important programs and initiatives.
Today, the Panorama Foundation is creating new fundraising efforts to support larger, more everlasting community projects that are enhancing the valley. While our focus is on enhancing the quality of life for our current residents and our natural resources, we are also focusing on the future – leaving a legacy in the Purcell Mountains for generations to come.
The Panorama Foundation is about supporting initiated community projects providing cultural, environmental and social benefits to the Columbia and Windermere Valley. Creating a better today so that the people and the environment are served, sustained and protected for tomorrow.
The Panorama Foundation is committed to dedicating human and financial resources to charitable efforts and organizations that associate directly with the betterment of the Columbia and Windermere Valley.
The Panorama Foundation will fulfill its mission by providing financial support to local organizations and programs devoted to environment preservation and protection, human services, health and education, family, children and youth support services, sport and recreation, and arts and culture.
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Mountains of thanks to our partners
© 2024 Panorama Mountain Resort, BC.
Official site of Panorama Mountain
Resort in the BC Kootenay Rockies
Designed and developed by TimeZoneOne
Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated showers.
Freezing level: 3000 metres.
Ridge wind west: 15 km/h gusting to 45 km/h.
8:00AM 8 October, 2024
Biking Trails Open
Hiking Trails Open
Lifts Open